The complete investment data, analytics and reporting platform
Understand the drivers and detractors of performance with more clarity than ever before.
Instantly identify and monitor portfolio exposure to market sectors, geographic regions, currencies and more.
Bring all your transactions tools under one roof:
“Sesame has allowed our team to understand in-depth portfolios’ risk and performance by security, industry and numerous other factors. The analytical engine of the software is very robust, yet the product is easy to use.”
Insights to help you build institutional-grade analytics capabilities
In this blog, we demystify multi-asset factor models so asset owners can gain a deeper understanding of how portfolio risk can be decomposed to identify hidden risk hotspots.
MSCI's Sam Rubandhas and Landytech’s Gregory Chouette and Ramis Kumar demystify risk factors and how they affect multi-asset class portfolios, so family offices can get a deeper lens into what's driving their portfolio risk.
The need to manage large volumes of data and perform complex calculations at speed have left many firms’ legacy systems and outdated technology struggling to keep up. It’s time to take to the cloud.
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